Marlee, October 8

Today Marlee went back to the vet for a thyroid check and for more meds. The good news was that she is now up to 35 pounds, which is just a pound away from what the vet said he thought would be a healthy weight for her. It is so good to see her healthy.

In the month that she has been taking meds to clear up her bladder infection and to help her thyroid, kidneys, and liver she has gotten happier and more energetic. (although she is still a very low energy dog)

She was handling the blood draw pretty well, and then I had to leave the room for a minute to supervise my two little boys that I took along to the appointment. (they were checking out a 3-legged cat that lives there...very impressive how fast that cat can move!) When I came back into the room Marlee was shaking a lot. I thought she was upset about the blood draw and the tech told me that she only started to shake when we left the room! I guess that she is attached to us, or at least knows that we love her. Poor sweet girl!

The bad news was that this was yet another $81 expense, even with the little discount that our vet gives us. Today is the day that I have decided to reach out and ask for help.

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